Choose your APPOCALYPSIS Plan

Get Instant Access to the Appocalypsis Platform



Sign up
  • 10K Pageviews / Month
  • 1 Website
  • Integrations
    (Mailchimp, Zapier, Slack)
  • Autoresponders
  • Leads to E-mail
  • Whitelabel


€ 10 / month

Sign up
  • 100K Pageviews / Month
  • 3 Websites
  • Integrations
    (Mailchimp, Zapier, Slack)
  • Autoresponders
  • Leads to E-mail
  • Whitelabel
    (extra monthly fee) +€20


€ 29 / month

Sign up
  • 1M Pageviews / Month
  • 10 Websites
  • Integrations
    (Mailchimp, Zapier, Slack)
  • Autoresponders
  • Leads to E-mail1000/month
  • Whitelabel
    (extra monthly fee) +€20


€ 69 / month

Sign up
  • 3M Pageviews / Month
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Integrations
    (Mailchimp, Zapier, Slack)
  • Autoresponders
  • Leads to E-mail3000/month
  • Whitelabel
    (extra monthly fee) +€20

All Plans Include

250+ Templates

Popups, countdowns, exit intent widgets, wheel of fortune

Widget Analytics

Views, Clicks and Leads per Referral, Countries, Cities etc.

Export Leads

Manage and Export the Leads you get from your Widgets and Beamers

Widgets on Click

Show the widget you wish after the user has clicked on an element

Multiple Widgets

Ability to show multiple widgets per page


Various segmentation criteria. Target your visitors the way you wish


Show a widget you created on ANY website

Shareable Analytics Dashboard

Share your widget analytics with your co-workers

Inline Widgets

Use inline widgets within your website

Exit Intent Widgets

All our widgets can appear when user tries to exit your website

Widget Lifecycle

Stop showing form widgets when user has filled in the data

Daily Analytics E-mail

Receive a Daily Summary E-mail about how your live widgets are converting

Account Notifications on Slack

Receive a Daily Summary Message on Slack about how your live widgets are converting

What our customers say

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you offer a free plan?

    Yes, we offer a FREE Forever plan with a limit of 10.000 pageviews per month. If you reach the monthly limit your widgets will stop showing.

  • What is a pageview?

    A pageview (or pageview hit, page tracking hit) is an instance of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser. Pageviews is a metric defined as the total number of pages viewed.

  • What is the difference between pageviews and widget views?

    A pageview (or pageview hit, page tracking hit) is an instance of a page being loaded (or reloaded) in a browser. Pageviews is a metric defined as the total number of pages viewed. A widget view is how many times your widget actually fired up on your website.

  • Do you offer whitelabel plans?

    We offer the ability to remove the Appocalypsis branding with an extra fee of €20/month from all widgets in your account.

  • Do you offer bigger plans?

    If none of the above plans matches your needs feel free to contact us and we will create a custom plan just for you.

We Manage your Widgets, You Collect the Leads!

We Manage your Widgets

You Collect the Leads!

Starting €300 / Month

Let the experts manage your Conversion!

Do you want to improve your conversion rate but you do not know how? Our team of Conversion Optimization experts can help you. We use all the tools provided by Appocalypsis and we undertake the Strategic Plan, we Design Custom Widgets and we manage the Day to Day operation of those widgets. At the end of each month we provide you with the report and the leads.

What do you need to communicate and what type of widgets are needed to best optimize your campaigns.
We design your widgets to match your branding and to facilitate best conversions.
We are responsible for the day to day operation of your campaigns and widgets.
Once a once you receive a full report with Conversions, Leads and a full plan on what needs to be done the following month.

Want to know more?

Contact us

How it works:

  1. We Setup your Account on Appocalypsis (1M Plan with Mailchimp & Autoresponders which are included in the Managed Services Plan).
  2. Strategy: we do an Initial CRO Evaluation on your website and we identify hidden opportunities.
  3. We Design your widgets (custom if needed) and we Create the Monthly Plan.
  4. We undertake the Day-to-Day Management of the widgets and run Experiments to see what converts better.
  5. At the end of each Month we Provide you with an Evaluation Report and your Monthly Leads.

Our Managed Services Plan is Perfect for:

Digital Marketing & Growth Hacking Agencies

We can undertake the day-to-day operation of your clients and report straight to you.

Small Business Owners

Who have other tasks to focus on but still need to gather leads and score better conversions.

Entreprise Publishers

Who do not have the time to spend on designing widgets and managing the day to day operation of those.

E-Shop Owners

Can benefit greatly from our long experience on converting E-Shops and E-Commerce systems customers.

Managed Appocalypsis Services

Contact us