
Widget Lifecycle - Stop Showing Form Widgets when user has filled in their data.

Via the Setup section of a Widget you have the option to stop showing a form widget when the user has submitted info via that Form. This is what we call the Widget Lifecycle.

Let's take the following example. You have activated an Exit-intent Popup which asks users to register to your Newsletter. You have decided to trigger (show) that widget once every 2 hours.

User A sees the widget and chooses to close the Widget without registering for your newsletter. The Specific user will re-see the widget if they visit your website after 2 hours.

User B sees the widget and decides to sign up to your newsletter. If you enable the Widget Lifecycle via the Setup Section of the widget the specific user will not see the Widget again. (unless they delete their Cookies).

How to activate the Widget Lifecycle Feature via the Setup Section:

1. Navigate to the Setup Section of your Form Widget

2. Scroll Down to the Appearance Options, and locate the widget Lifecycle dropdown. Select when you wish to complete the Widget lifecycle (usually there is only 1 option there). If you cannot see the Widget Lifecycle in your setup section please contact us via our Support Center and we will activate this feature for you in no time.